We love to share our latest finds with each other–a favorite restaurant, food shop, winery, or other establishment that emphasizes good, clean, and fair ingredients and practices.
The board of directors at Slow Food North Shore is happy to announce that its members now can make nominations for the SNAIL OF APPROVAL, an award given to establishments that contribute to the quality, sustainability, and authenticity of food in the Long Island, North Shore area. Slow Food North Shore will endorse the business in our social media and other publicity, and provide window stickers and decals for the business to use to communicate its dedication to food (or drink) that is good, clean, and fair.
To make a nomination, read about the process and our guidelines, then fill out the nomination form. We will contact the business owner with an application. Business owners: Be sure to read about what the Snail of Approval can do for your business!
Snail of Approval Nomination and Application process
What the Snail of Approval can do for your Business