FROM THE OUTSIDE IN: Sustainable Futures for Global Cities and Suburbs

A Conference at Hofstra University
Thursday-Saturday, March 7-9, 2013

From the Outside In: Sustainable Futures for Global Cities and Suburbs is a three-day conference focusing on the sustainable futures in global city-regions, taking the suburbs as its starting point and working its way inward to the city center.

Join academics, practitioners, and community leaders for an interdisciplinary discussion about sustainability that bridges the environmental, economic, and social spheres within complex urban regions.

Sustainable Futures Conference
Hofstra Cultural Center
243 Gallon Wing
113 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549-1130

For more information, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669

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Slow Food Huntington Elections

We are moving forward with the elections for our board. If you are interested in taking a position, we would like to invite you to an informal meeting this Saturday, March 2nd, at the Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington. Please consider joining the board of this wonderful, local community organization. Without the willingness of others to take charge, we fear that the future of this chapter will be not be able to continue. For more information about Saturday’s meeting, please email me at

Thank you, and I look forward to growing Slow Food Huntington with all of you!

Cheers, Bhavani

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Slow Food Huntington is having Elections!

After 6 years of co-chairing Slow Food Huntington, Ann Rathkopf is ready to pass on the torch! I will stay on, to help in the transition, but we are looking for members in good standing, who would like to see Slow Food Huntington grow and prosper! We have newly adopted by-laws, and are looking to fill the positions of Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, and Communication Chair. If you are interested in becoming more involved in our wonderful, local chapter of Slow Food, please send in your nominations now (you can nominate yourself!) to Bill, at

We will be voting sometime next month. Stay tuned for more info on the elections!

Thank you, and I look forward to growing Slow Food Huntington with all of you!

Cheers, Bhavani

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2012 No Farms, No Food Rally

2012 No Farms No Food Rally
in Albany

When: February 15th, 2012
Where: State Capitol in Albany

Join American Farmland Trust, along with farmers, food advocates, local officials, environmentalists and other New Yorkers at the State Capitol to urge state leaders to support funding and legislation that protects farmland and the environment, increases the availability of nutritious food grown in New York and strengthens the farm and food economy. Busing available from NYC with registration!

 Click here for more information

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The $5.00 Challenge

At the home of Bhavani and Joe Jaroff, Slow Food Huntington hosted a successful event to Challenge the “status quo” of the “Value Meal”

We joined Slow Food USA in their national campaign to Challenge the “Value Meal”. For less than $5.00 per person, we put together a full vegetarian buffet which was enjoyed by all.

The menu consisted of 2 soups, a Cold Green Gazpacho Soup and a Hot Minestrone Soup, 2 Appetizers, Hummus and Guacamole with pita and corn chips and 2 entrees.

The first entree was  gluten free Rice Noodles with Pesto with basil from Bhavani’s garden, Make your own Black Bean Fajitas with beans that were soaked and cooked with kombu, Mexican Brown Rice with Roasted Non GMO Corn, and Fresh Mixed Green and Arugula Salad (also from the garden) with Organic Goat Cheese on the side.

For dessert we enjoyed some Gluten Free Banana Bread and Carrot Cake. Everything was made that day by members of our chapter!

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Welcome to Slow Food Huntington

Welcome to Slow Food Huntington, the Huntington chapter of Slow Food USA. Our chapter encompasses Western Suffolk and Nassau counties.

Slow Food is a member-supported, non-profit organization devoted to creating a more sustainable and nourishing Food System. We envision a world where Good, Clean and Fair food is a reality for everyone.

For Slow Food, the idea of Good means enjoying delicious food created with care from healthy plants and animals. The pleasures of good food can also help to build community and celebrate culture and regional diversity.

When we talk about Clean food, we are talking about nutritious food that is as good for the planet as it is for our bodies. It is grown and harvested with methods that have a positive impact on our local ecosystems and promotes biodiversity.

We believe that food is a universal right. Food that is Fair should be accessible to all, regardless of income, and produced by people who are treated with dignity and justly compensated for their labor.

This change that we seek to inspire includes a transformation in food policy, production practices and market forces, to ensure equity, sustainability, quality and pleasure in the food we eat.

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